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Interview with Santa about the Hacker Attack on the IFYE Conference

Interviewer: Hello Santa! What can you tell us about the hacker attack on the IFYE conference?


Santa: Ho ho ho, it was a serious issue. Hackers infiltrated our systems and disrupted the conference. Our security elves are working to find the culprits.


Interviewer: What is being done to help the IFYE members?


Santa: Our best elves are working on restoring yourr data and secure the systems, but until now, we only got some informations, that some leprechauns in Ireland have something to do with it…


Interviewer: Why the leprechauns and Ireland specifically?


Santa: The leprechauns in Ireland have some very good connactions tot he dark web.


Interviewer: How can IFYE members contact the leprechauns?


Santa: Well, they don´t talkt o everybody, so you should go to Ireland and find them!


Interviewer: Thank you, Santa. Do you have a final message?


Santa: Ho ho ho, stay positive and supportive of one another. Merry Christmas to all!


Interviewer: Thank you, Santa. Merry Christmas!


Santa: Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!

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